
September 6 2024

Ebola virus: Induced by three different vaccine strategies, the cellular immune response is maintained for up to five years after vaccination.

August 29 2024

Publication in the journal Science Translational Medicine of a study by Céline Colnot’s group in the Relaix team on the pathogenic mechanisms and pharmacological treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia in Neurofibromatosis type 1.

July 8 2024

Supported by UPEC through the Faculty of Health, the ENSUIITE project, coordinated by Yann SENOVA, Neurosurgery PHU and Marion Leboyer’s team, is the winner of the “Skills and Professions of the Future, Digital Health” call for expressions of interest.

July 4 2024

Funding for the PASSAGE project on care pathways and inequalities in care for elderly cancer patients, a project led by Etienne AUDUREAU, CEPIA team!

July 1 2024

Two major awards for Céline Colnot’s group, the Relaix team, at the last ECTS Congress in Marseille and at the 2024 Global NF Conference in Brussels.

June 26 2024

ORIXHA raises €4 million from the European Innovation Council and BPI France to help patients after cardiac arrest

June 4 2024

Carbon monoxide: a highly promising molecule in the fight against obesity! A study published in Redox Biology!

May 13 2024

Publication in the journal Molecular Psychiatry of a study showing an abnormal profile of functional brain connectivity in patients with bipolar disorder depending on their mood state.

April 26 2024

Congratulations to Carole HENIQUE, Derumeaux team, elected on Monday 22 April 2024, Vice-President of Research and of the UPEC Research Commission.

April 4 2024

Publication in the Lancet Public Health of a study by Emilie SBIDIAN’s EpiDerme Research Unit to estimate the prevalence and incidence of vitiligo on a global, regional and national scale.

March 18 2024

An innovative vaccine against Nipah virus infection: a major step forward thanks to the work of Yves Levy’s VRI/IMRB-U955 team and Université Paris-Est

March 14 2024

Congratulations to Khadeeja Adam Sy, GEIC2O team, winner of the award for best active participation at the 17th European CF Young investigators’ Meeting.

March 11 2024

Congratulations to Nioosha Nekooie Marnany, who received the prize for best oral communication at the international conference “NEURAL CREST DEVELOPMENT AND DISORDERS: FROM PATIENT TO MODEL SYSTEM AND BACK AGAIN” – NEUCREST

March 8 2024

Larissa LIPSKAIA, Juliette JACQUET and Serge ADNOT, DERUMEAUX team, co-authors of a publication in EMBO Reports on the role of telomere dysfunction and endothelial cell senescence in age-related deterioration in lung function.

February 26 2024

Oliver BISCHOF and José AMERICO FREITAS, DERUMEAUX team, co-authors of a publication in NATURE METABOLISM on the role of a homeostatic switch which causes the accumulation of glycerol-3-phosphate and phosphoethanolamine, and triggers senescence by reorganising lipid metabolism.

February 12 2024

Congratulations to Benjamin Simonneau from Pascale Fanen’s group, in the GEIC20 team, who was awarded the prize for best poster at the Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs organised by the patient association Vaincre la Mucoviscidose!