Mass spectrometry
Presentation :
The separation power of gas chromatography combined with the selectivity and the very low detection limits of the platform’s mass spectrometers (of the order of the femtogram for certain compounds), allows the quantitative analysis of complex volatile molecules with a high degree of confidence, whatever the nature of the matrix (human, animal or other; serum, plasma, tissue, cord blood, urine, …). If the expertise of the platform is mainly based on the measurement of steroid hormones, the development of custom methods could be considered after the feasibility study for a large number of molecules distinct from steroids (pharmacological compounds and their metabolites, endocrine disruptors, pesticides, fatty acids, …).
The IMRB’s steroid mass spectrometry platform is located on the 1st floor of the Faculty of Medicine (room 1051).
Thank you for preferring email over phone for the first contact and briefly develop your expectations.
Keywords :
Mass spectrometry, steroids, endocrine disruptors, volatile molecules
Main equipment :
Shimadzu analytical/semi-prep HPLC with automatic injector, diode-array detector (190 to 800 nm) and fraction collector
SPE purification station on Visiprep tank and evaporation by Caliper TurboVap LV vortex concentrator.
Freeze dryer Christ Alpha 1-2
Selected publications
Gagniac L, Rusidzé M, Boudou F, Cagnet S, Adlanmerini M, Jeannot P, Gaide N, Giton F, Besson A, Weyl A, Gourdy P, Raymond-Letron I, Arnal JF, Brisken C, Lenfant F. Membrane expression of the estrogen receptor ERα is required for intercellular communications in the mammary epithelium.
Development. 2020,147(5):dev182303.Fontaine C, Buscato M, Vinel A, Giton F, Raymond-Letron I, Kim SH, Katzenellenbogen BS, Katzenellenbogen JA, Gourdy P, Milon A, Flouriot G, Ohlsson C, Lenfant F, Arnal JF. The tissue-specific effects of different 17β-estradiol doses reveal the key sensitizing role of AF1 domain in ERα activity.
Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2020;505:110741.Cluzet V, Devillers MM, Petit F, Chauvin S, François CM, Giton F, Genestie C, di Clemente N, Cohen-Tannoudji J, Guigon CJ. Aberrant granulosa cell-fate related to inactivated p53/Rb signaling contributes to granulosa cell tumors and to FOXL2 downregulation in the mouse ovary.
Oncogene. 2020;39(9):1875-1890.Devillers MM, Petit F, Cluzet V, François CM, Giton F, Garrel G, Cohen-Tannoudji J, Guigon CJ. FSH inhibits AMH to support ovarian estradiol synthesis in infantile mice.
J Endocrinol. 2019;240(2):215-228.Meunier ME, Neuzillet Y, Raynaud JP, Radulescu C, Ghoneim T, Fiet J, Giton F, Rouanne M, Dreyfus JF, Lebret T, Botto H. Sex steroids in serum and prostatic tissue of human cancerous prostate (STERKPROSER trial).
The Prostate. 2019;79(3):272-280.Neuzillet Y, Raynaud JP, Dreyfus JF, Radulescu C, Rouanne M, Schneider M, Krish S, Rouprêt M, Drouin SJ, Comperat E, Galiano M, Cathelineau X, Validire P, Molinié V, Fiet J, Giton F, Lebret T, Botto H. Aggressiveness of Localized Prostate Cancer: the Key Value of Testosterone Deficiency Evaluated by Both Total and Bioavailable Testosterone: AndroCan Study Results.
Horm Cancer. 2019;10(1):36-44.Warembourg C, Binter AC, Giton F, Fiet J, Labat L, Monfort C, Chevrier C, Multigner L, Cordier S, Garlantézec R. Prenatal exposure to glycol ethers and sex steroid hormones at birth.
Environ Int. 2018;113:66-73.Neuzillet Y, Raynaud J.P, Radulescu C, Fiet J, Giton F, Dreyfus J.F, Lebret T, Botto H. Sexual steroids in serum and prostatic tissue of human non-cancerous prostate (STERPROSER Trial).
The Prostate, 2017;77(15):1512-1519.Pierre A, Taieb J, Giton F, Grynberg M, Touleimat S, El Hachem H, Fanchin R, Monniaux D, Cohen-Tannoudji J, di Clemente N, Racine C. Dysregulation of the anti-Müllerian hormone system by steroids in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2017:10.1210/jc.2017-00308.Gely-pernot A, Saci S, Kernanec PY, Hao C, Giton F, Kervarrec C, Tevosian S, Mazaud-Guittot S, Smagulova F. Embryonic exposure to the widely used herbicide atrazine disrupts meiosis and normal follicle formation in female mouse.
Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):3526.François C.M, Petit F, Giton F, Gougeon A, Ravel C, Magre S, Cohen-Tannoudji J, Guigon C.J. A novel action of follicle-stimulating hormone in the ovary promotes estradiol production without inducing excessive follicular growth before puberty.
Sci Rep. 2017;7:46222.Giton F, Sirab N, Franck G, Gervais M, Schmidlin F, Ali T, Allory Y, Taille A, Vacherot F, Loric S, Fiet J. Evidence of estrone-sulfate uptake modification in young and middle-aged rat prostate.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2015 May 6;152:89-100.Giton F, Trabado S, Maione L, Sarfati J, Le Bouc Y, Brailly-Tabard S, Fiet J, Young J. Sex steroids, precursors, and metabolite deficiencies in men with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and panhypopituitarism: a GCMS-based comparative study.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Feb;100(2):E292-6.