FALCON systematically interrogates free fatty acid biology and identifies CMIP as novel mediator of lipotoxicity :
Nicolas WIEDER (Charité – Department of Neurology, Charité-University of Berlin)
Invited by Mario Ollero (Sahali Team)
13h – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Leeyah Issop-Merlen – Mario Ollero
Why is industry interested by precision psychiatry? :
Hugh MARSTON (Boehringer Ingelheim, Frankfurt, Germany)
Wednesday 7 February 2024 – 13:30 – Webinar
The Fondamental Foundation 2024 conferences: Towards precision psychiatry!
The quest for circulating factors of glomerular permeability :
Mario OLLERO (IMRB-U955, Sahali team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
Lysosomal Storage Diseases: involvement of the plasma membrane in the onset of cell damage :
Massimo AURELI (University of Milan, Italy)
Invited by Mario Ollero (Sahali Team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Leeyah Issop-Merlen – Mario Ollero
To move on to precision psychiatry what are the lessons learnt from previous clinical trials? :
Andy MILLER (Emory University, Atlanta, USA)
Wednesday 6 March 2024 – 1.30pm – Webinar
The Fondamental 2024 Foundation conferences: Towards precision psychiatry!
Retrospective on Cyclophilin Inhibitor Development: Applications in Hepatoprotection and Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Therapies :
Fatima CLERC and Hakim AHMED-BELKACEM (IMRB-U955, Pawlotsky team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
Resolution biology and inflammatory lipid mediators: a paradigm shift :
Marc DUBOURDEAU (Ambiotis, Toulouse)
Invited by Valérie Urbach (Lanone Team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Leeyah Issop-Merlen – Mario Ollero
ImageXpress HT.ai system : automated microscopy HCS technologies for 2 and 3D biology :
Simon TENDIL (Molecular Devices)
1pm – Webinar Teams
Imaging Platform seminar
Contact: Xavier Decrouy
Impact of the exposome in the pulmonary manifestations of cystic fibrosis :
Céline-Hivda YEGEN (IMRB-U955, Lanone team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
Preclinical animal models to study muscular dystrophies and muscle regeneration :
Valentina TAGLIETTI (IMRB-U955, Relaix team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
Social withdrawal as a transnosographic dimension in brain disorders? :
Martien KAS (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Wednesday 10 April 2024 – 13:30 – Ecole de Printemps, Paris
Fondamental 2024 Foundation lectures: Towards precision psychiatry!
Use of daratumumab in solid organ transplantation :
Marie MATIGNON (IMRB-U955, Cohen team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin – Maximilien Bencze
Best practice in statistics and data visualisation: from theory to practice :
Etienne AUDUREAU (IMRB-U955, Canouï-Poitrine team)
1 pm – On-site – Room M002
IMRB-CIS Scientific Integrity Unit Seminar
Contact: Agathe Tarze
Presentation of the Halo & Halo Artificial Intelligence image analysis platform: Quantification, Phenotyping and Spatial Analysis :
Moudrik FALLOUS (Excilone, Elancourt, France)
1pm – Webinar
Imaging Platform Seminar
Contact: Xavier Decrouy
Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Extracellular Vesicle Delivery :
Grégory LAVIEU (ERL U1316 – UMR 7057 – Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes ( MSC ), Campus Saint Germain, 45 rue des Saints Pères, Paris)
Invited by José Cohen (I-BIOT team)
1 pm – Modular A, room M0010, and ZOOM videoconference
IMRB seminar (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Leeyah Issop-Merlen – Mario Ollero
An Oral Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecule Protects against Acute Hyper-hemolysis in Sickle Cell Disease :
Kim-Anh NGUYEN-PEYRE (IMRB-U955, Pirenne team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
Internal seminar
Contact: Ophélia Godin – Maximilien Bencze
Sequencing long DNA molecules (RNA and amplicons) using the nanopore approach :
Nicolas BESNIER (Oxford Nanopore Technologies)
12pm to 2pm – Hôpital Henri Mondor – Infection Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment Room – Entresol 1
Free but limited seating
NGS platform seminar
Registration: Bruno Costes
Tales of a marine bug: from fundamental physiology to antibiotic resistance dissemination :
Jonatan MARTIN-RODRIGUEZ (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden)
Invited by Mario Ollero (Sahali Team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Leeyah Issop-Merlen – Mario Ollero
Fatigue as a transnosographical dimension :
Maria ASBERG (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
Wednesday 19 June 2024 – 13:30 – Webinar
The Fondamental 2024 Foundation conferences: Towards precision psychiatry!
Fondamental seminar
Understanding tissue complexity by Spatially resolved OMICS strategies :
Marco Antonio MENDOZA (Laboratory of Systems & Synthetic Biology – LISSB, CEA François Jacob, Institute of Biology)
2 pm – Room M004
Invited by Oliver Bischof (Derumeaux team)
Derumeaux team seminar
Contact: Oliver Bischof
Secreted frizzled related protein 2 promotes basaloid transdifferentiation of human alveolar type II epithelial cells :
Claude JOURDAN LE SAUX (UCSF University of California, San Francisco | UCSF – Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Allergy/Immunology)
1pm – Room M004 and web seminar
Derumeaux team seminar
Contact : Laurent Boyer
Development of Lung Fibrosis: how cells signal, change, and emerge :
Harold CHAPMAN (Pulmonary and Critical Care Division, University of California San Francisco)
2pm – Room M004 and online
Derumeaux team seminar
Contact: Laurent Boyer
Heterogeneity of Regulatory T Cells in NSCLC Patient Tissues: Insights from a Translational Immunology Approach :
Jimena TOSELLO (Translational Immunotherapy, Inserm U932 Immunity and Cancer, Institut Curie)
Invited by José COHEN (I-BIOT Team)
12.pm – Room M010
IMRB seminar (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Leeyah Issop-Merlen – Mario Ollero
PhD defence: Study of the influence of CDKN2A deletion on the establishment of the tumour immune microenvironment in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma :
Orianne BONIZEC (IMRB-U955, COHEN/I-BIOT team)
2 pm – Room M002, modular room at the Créteil Faculty of Health
Supervisors: Ilaria CASCONE and José COHEN
Genetics, a stratification tool for Precision Psychiatry :
Boris CHAUMETTE (Hôpital Ste-Anne, Paris)
1.30pm – Webinar
Fondamental 2024 Foundation conferences: Towards precision psychiatry!
Fondamental seminar
PhD defence : Deciphering cellular and molecular mechanisms driving malignant transformation in Neurofibromatosis type 1 using a reproducible computational workflow for single-cell transcriptomics :
Audrey ONFROY (IMRB-U955, ORTONNE team)
2 pm – Videoconference
Supervisors: Piotr TOPILKO and Denis THIEFFRY
Neurological impact of soursop and annonacea consumption :
Laurent CLERET (IMRB-U955, Bachoud team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
Life and Health Sciences Day in Créteil, 2024 edition :
8.45am to 6.30pm – Maison du Handball de Créteil, 1 rue Daniel Costantini, Créteil
Seminar IMRB-U955 and Ecole Doctorale SVS Paris Est
Contact: Valérie Urbach and Franck Maillochon
Shaping the myeloid landscape recovery after chemotherapy in lung tumors :
Alexandre BOISSONNAS (Chemokines, Phagocytes and Inflammation – CIMI-Paris)
2pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
HDR defence: Transfusion immunoregulation :
Benoît VINGERT (IMRB-U955, Pirenne team)
9am – Créteil Faculty of Health, room M003
Contact: Benoît Vingert
Using machine learning to predict mortality in older patients with cancer: development and external validation of the Geriatric Cancer Scoring System using two large French cohorts :
Etienne AUDUREAU (IMRB-U955, Canouï-Poitrine team) and Dario SPINI (NCCR LIVES, University of Lausanne) for a presentation of his research theme as part of his EURLIVE Chair of Excellence.
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
Experimental investigations of cerebral metabolic alterations during post-cardiac arrest syndrome :
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
Thesis defence: Study of the effect of hypothermic total liquid ventilation on the triggering of the systemic and cerebral inflammatory response after cardiac arrest :
2.30 pm – Amphi Agora 003 of the ENVA
Thesis supervisor: Renaud TISSIER
Présentation BD Single Cell RhapsodyTM :
Céline JAIMET and Laurence MONNET (BD France)
1pm – Webinar Teams
Contact: Céline Jaimet – Franck Maillochon
Translational neurosciences for peripheral nerve disorders :
Nicolas TRICAUD (Nervosave Therapeutics)
Invited by Piotr TOPILKO (ORTONNE team)
1pm – Room M010
IMRB seminar (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Leeyah Issop-Merlen
Role of extracellular matrix on cardiac regeneration (exact title to be communicated) :
Eldad TZAHOR (Tzahor Lab, Dept of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science)
Invited by Aymeline VANDESTIENNE (RELAIX team)
11am – Modular of the Faculty of Health of Créteil, room M004
IMRB seminar – (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Leeyah Issop-Merlen
New players regulating skeletal muscle metabolism and function during aging and age-related diseases :
Ilke SEN (IMRB-U955, Derumeaux team – SENCODE)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB Seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
HDR defence: Emotional dysregulation in mood disorders and therapeutic implications: Behavioural and brain imaging approaches :
Pauline FAVRE (IMRB-U955, LEBOYER team)
2pm – Neurospin Amphitheatre, Saclay CEA
Contact: Pauline Favre
Thesis defense: Comorbidities in cancers of elderly subjects: prognostic and predictive value of toxicitý of chemotherapy :
2pm – Faculty of Health, room M006 and online
Supervisors: Florence CANOUÏ-POITRINE and Joseph GLIGOROV
The itinerary of a DAP (request for project authorisation) :
Hélène COMBRISSON (Honorary Professor, ENVA)
Invited by Franck BERNARD
1pm – Webinar
IMRB seminar (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Leeyah Issop-Merlen