March 11 2020
March 5 2020
Publication of an article including three IMRB teams in the journal AJRCCM of a pilot study in ventilated patients with severe ciliary dyskinesia
March 2 2020
Nadjet Gacem ex-PhD student (ED SVS 402) in the former Sylvie Dufour’s team, who performed her PhD under the supervision of Nadege Bondurand (DR2, INSERM), published a paper in Nature Communications revealing the role of A-to-I RNA editing in neural crest development
February 21 2020
New in the description of anaplastic lymphoma on breast implants!
February 17 2020
Congratulations to Mathieu Panel (ex-PhD student of Bijan Ghaleh’s team), winner of the Drug Science Award!
February 3 2020
IMRB sets up a Scientific Integrity Cell!
January 30 2020
Greetings from the Director of the IMRB, Tuesday 21 January 2020
December 27 2019
Using cold and liquid ventilation to reduce the risk of after-effects following cardiac arrest: Researchers from ENVA, UPEC, Inserm and the Mondor Institute are at the forefront of this new technique.
November 26 2019
HIV vaccine clinical batch release: a major milestone for the Vaccine Research Institute’s vaccine development program.
November 14 2019
Marielle Bréau former doctoral student of Serge Adnot’s team, winner of the Thesis Prize of the University of Paris-Est for the Doctoral School of Life Sciences and Health!
September 19 2019
EUR LIVE “Trajectories and Vulnerability in Health”, one of UPEC’s University Research Schools projects, has been selected from 81 applications!
September 11 2019
Publication of an article resulting from the collaboration of teams 3 and 18, in the excellent journal Gastroenterology!
August 1 2019
Orixha, a company promoting Team 3 research, is the winner of the 2019 MESR I-LAB competition!
July 3 2019
Cindy Orvain, team 16, is on the cover of Inserm In Vivo for the month of June 2019!
May 24 2019
Virginie Firlej (team 7), co-author with the CEA of Fontenay-aux_Roses, of a publication in the journal Nature of May 15 on neural progenitors of the central nervous system expressing double-cortin (DCX+), infiltrate prostate tumors and metastases, and initiate neurogenesis.
April 30 2019