Publication of an article including three IMRB teams in the journal AJRCCM of a pilot study in ventilated patients with severe ciliary dyskinesia

Ciliary dyskinesia are a group of heterogeneous diseases characterized by an alteration of the respiratory ciliary beating that may induce a degradation of the mucociliary clearance which is the first line of defense of the respiratory system..


The partnership between the CARMAS clinical research group (Pr. A. Mekontso Dessap, IMRB, team G. Derumeaux) and the teams GEIC2O (S. Lanone) et BAR (B. Louis) led to a paper published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine demonstrating  the  possibility  of  exploring  morphological  and functional   ciliary   alterations   in   mechanically   ventilated   patients.


More info : American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2020 Feb 5. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201912-2440LE. [Epub ahead of print]
