Interview with Prof. Marion Leboyer (IMRB-U955, Leboyer team) for the Institut Montaigne*: The mental health of young French people is deteriorating according to an IPSOS survey conducted for the FondaMental Foundation**.

Conducted in December 2020, the IPSOS survey reveals that since the beginning of the health crisis, young people, women and the most precarious are suffering the full impact of this crisis, whose figures speak for themselves:

– 31% of the population has a suspicion of generalized anxiety disorder. Among 22-24 year olds, the figures rise to 47% and 40% among women!
– 66% of 18-24 year olds say they have difficulty working, interacting with their family or with those around them, compared to 53% of the general population!
– 61% of these same young people think that Covid-19 will have negative consequences on their mental health, compared to 50% on average for the general population!

The survey also reveals the persistence of prejudices about mental illness.


The full interview with Prof. Leboyer (IMRB-U955, Leboyer team) can be found at:


*Institut Montaigne: an independent think tank, the Institut Montaigne is a platform for reflection, proposals and experimentation devoted to public policy in France.
**Fondation FondaMental: The Fondation FondaMental is a scientific cooperation foundation dedicated to the fight against major psychiatric disorders.
