IMRB submits three projects to UPEC’s AAP Erasme!

This call is an opportunity for all UPEC communities to work together to meet societal and environmental challenges, and build the committed university of tomorrow! It also aims to create links between UPEC’s different communities. It’s a call open to all: students, teachers-researchers, administrative staff and UPEC partners, in which collaboration between communities will be promoted.

The IMRB seized this opportunity and submitted three projects in partnership with various UPEC partners:


AREED: The psycho-social risks (RPS) prevention group has submitted a project to finance feedback workshops for PhD supervisors, run by the Bernard Grégory association. We are currently working with the SVS doctoral school, with the aim of extending the program to all UPEC researchers and teacher-researchers. The requested budget is 6300€.


GREENLAB ESR-GES: Greenlab has submitted a project entitled: Empreinte de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche sur l’environnement: évaluation et scénarios. This project, the fruit of collaboration between IMRB, OSU-EFLUVE, LLSH and IUT Sénart-Fontainebleau, bringing together the initial Greenlab and ESR-GES projects, focuses on assessing the environmental footprint of higher education and research. Reduction scenarios will be studied and implemented, and a major focus will be placed on raising awareness and training staff and students, both upstream of the project and throughout its duration. The budget requested is 104,936 euros.


PGD-IMRB: The Cellule d’Intégrité Scientifique (CIS), along with several other IMRB members, has submitted this project, the aim of which is to set up an IMRB and UPEC framework data management plan. This project involves collaboration with Marie Hélène Noël, head of the Data Management division at UPEC, and Sylvain Duval, head of Information Systems Security at UPEC. In order to set up this project at IMRB first, and then extend it to UPEC, we have asked for the services of a design engineer.


More information on the Erasme call for transforming projects
