The FRM labels Bijan Ghaleh’s team for its project “The heme as a danger molecule during myocardial infarction”.

The project led by Roberta Foresti, Roberto Motterlini, Sandrine Pons and Bijan Ghaleh, focuses on the release of Danger Associated Molecular Patten (DAMP) during myocardial infarction, in particular heme.


The main objective is to demonstrate the role of heme, as DAMP and as a signal for HO-1 activation to modulate inflammation, protect the myocardium and improve left ventricular function.


In addition, the team proposes the use of HYCOs, a family of novel molecules developed by Roberta Foresti and Roberto Motterlini, which induce the Nrf2/HO-1 axis and simultaneously release CO, to reduce the extent of injury and remodeling and improve left ventricular function over the long term.
