The first issue of the Tr@nsmettreRIF magazine is now online!

The first issue of the journal Tr@nsmettreRIF, founded and directed by Richard Souktani (IMRB, GEIC20 team), has just been published.


This engineering journal, free of charge for authors and readers, is aimed at the entire French-speaking scientific community. Its aim is to publish and share comprehensive information on techniques and methods used in the life sciences in order to facilitate their reproducibility.


Its creation has been awarded the Bonus Qualité Recherche 2022 label by the Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) France and supported by the Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale Inserm-IMRB U955 and the Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Sénart-Fontainebleau.


In this first online issue, you will find a space reserved for comments, questions and discussion following the articles, as well as a contact form if you wish to submit a publication idea to the editorial committee.


Link to first publications
