Ebola virus: Induced by three different vaccine strategies, the cellular immune response is maintained for up to five years after vaccination.

Ebola virus causes high fevers and haemorrhaging, often resulting in death. Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa regularly experience outbreaks.


In a new study conducted in Guinea, scientists from the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI), Inserm and the University of Paris-Est Créteil, IMRB-U955 LEVY team, have taken a further step in this direction. They have shown that the cellular immune response induced by three different vaccine strategies is maintained for up to five years after vaccination.


These results, which support current vaccine strategies against Ebola, are published in the journal Nature Communications on 3 September 2024.


For more information: Inserm press releaseUPEC press release
Access to the article published in Nature Communications on 3 September 2024