Congratulations to Sophie Lanone of IMRB’s GEIC2O team and Patrice Coll of LISA-UPEC/UPCité/CNRS, for their article “Air pollution, so complex to reproduce in the laboratory” in the Figaro Santé on Monday May 8!

It’s a fact: genetics are not solely responsible for the pathologies we develop. Environmental factors are responsible for over 70% of non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders and chronic respiratory problems.


In recent years, a whole range of research has been undertaken to better understand the links between the environment and health. In the jargon, we say that scientists are studying the exposome, i.e. all the environmental exposures to which we are subjected throughout our lives via our diet, the air we breathe, our behavior, our noise, psycho-affective, socio-economic environment…


Read more on Le Figaro Santé, Monday, May 8, 2023


More about the authors :

Sophie Lanone, GEIC2O team

Patrice Coll, LISA-UPEC/UPCité/CNRS
