Congratulations to Carole Hénique of Dil Sahali’s team 21 who has just published an article in Nature Communications on November 28th, 2017!

Rapidly progressive crescent glomerulonephritis (RPGN) is the most aggressive form of acquired glomerular disease. Although most therapeutic approaches use immunosuppressive strategies, pathophysiology is still a mystery. This work at the HEGP Cardiovascular Research Centre (PARCC, Team Pierre-Louis Tharaux) identified a new signaling pathway inducing the specific activation of a microRNA (miR-92a) responsible for the output of podocyte quiescence and glomerular destruction during RPGN. This article demonstrates the principle of using anti-miR as a new therapeutic strategy in this pathology (Patent issued in the US).”



Link to the open access publication: Nature Communications of 28 November 2017
