(Title coming soon)


Jimena TOSSELO (Immunothérapie translationnelle, Inserm U932 Immunité et Cancer, Institut Curie)

12.30pm – Room M005


More info about Jimena TOSELLO

Créteil Health and Life Sciences Day, 2023 edition Friday, October 20, 8:45 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. – Maison du Handball de Créteil

Click here for a slideshow of the day's events

The Mondor Institute for Biomedical Research (IMRB, U955 Inserm – Université Paris Est Créteil, UPEC) is one of the main biomedical research centres in the eastern part of the Paris region with national and international influence. The research teams develop high-level translational research in a wide variety of fields in direct connection with healthcare services.