Since 2014, IMRB has had a COMité d’Animation SCIentifique (COMASCI), whose members are appointed by the Institute’s Director. This committee was successively led by Jean-Loup DUBAND (Fred Relaix’s team) and then Carole HENIQUE-GRECIET (Dil Sahali’s team).
Valerie URBACH (Sophie Lanone’s team) and Ophélia GODIN (Marion Leboyer’s team) currently coordinate the activities of this committee, which is made up of Céline COLNOT and Maximilien BENCZE (Fred Relaix’s team), Leeyah ISSOP-MERLEN (Bijan Ghaleh’s team), Patrice BRUSCELLA (Jean-Michel Pawlotsky’s team), Sarah DUCELLIER (Sophie Lanone’s team), and Franck MAILLOCHON (IMRB general secretariat). COMASCI also relies on correspondents within each team.
Its main missions are to organize monthly or annual initiatives within the institute, as well as internal communications and social networks. Here is some information on the activities organized by COMASCI.
IMRB Scientific Retreat
The first edition took place in 2016 at the Belambra Clubs in Dourdan, as it did in 2018. Due to the health crisis linked to COVID-19 there was no retreat until the one in 2022, which we held at the Novotel de Fontainebleau-Ury. The last one took place on June 6 and 7, 2023 again at the Belambra Clubs in Dourdan.
Contacts Valerie URBACH, Ophelia GODIN, and Franck MAILLOCHON
Life and Health Sciences Day
This annual scientific day is designed for the site’s doctoral students. The organization and scientific program are developed in close collaboration with the Ecole Doctorale Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé (director: Pascale FANEN).
Contacts: Valerie URBACH, Ophelia GODIN, Céline COLNOT and Franck MAILLOCHON
Monthly external seminars and interdisciplinary seminars
These national and international seminars build on existing external scientific collaborations between IMRB teams, and are also designed to promote new ones.
Interdisciplinary seminars with various components of the Université de Paris est-Créteil: Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers (OSU), Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est (ICMPE) and Equipe de Recherche sur l’Utilisation des Données Individuelles en lien avec la Théorie Économique (ERUDITE) are also organized throughout the year.
Contacts: Valérie URBACH, Leeyah ISSOP-MERLEN
Internal monthly seminars
Internal seminars provide an opportunity to share scientific news from each team with the whole Institute.
Contacts: Ophelia GODIN and Maximilien BENCZE
Technology seminars
These initiatives are developed in collaboration with the Institute’s industrial and private partners.
Contact: Franck MAILLOCHON
Apprentice researcher” scheme
Participation in the “Apprentice Researchers” scheme, which enables secondary school students to visit local research laboratories on a regular basis throughout the school year.
Contact: Sandrine PONS
Communication and social networks
The Institute’s weekly newsletter, IMRB1week brings together news from the Institute and our supervisory bodies.
Contact: Franck MAILLOCHON
An Institute Twitter account has been set up to promote the Institute’s activities within the national and international scientific community, and a Linkedin account to disseminate job offers and news about the IMRB and its partners. We currently have over 1,600 subscribers.
Contact: Patrice BRUSCELLA and Franck MAILLOCHON