Modeling Genetic Pulmonary Diseases : iPSC-Derived Organoids in Cystic Fibrosis and Surfactant Deficiency :
Benjamin SIMONNEAU (IMRB-U955, Lanone team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
Technical seminar: Lattice SIM: Super-resolution microscopy compatible with life imaging :
Michael GUE (ZEISS)
10am to 12.30pm – Faculty of Health Modular – M003
Imaging Platform Seminar
Contact: Xavier Decrouy
CD38 : a new target for the control of alloreactivity :
Caroline PILON (IMRB-U955, Cohen team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
Role of small extracellular vesicles in respiratory virus infection :
Patrice BRUSCELLA (IMRB-U955, Pawlotsky team)
1pm – Webinar ZOOM
IMRB seminar (internal)
Contact: Ophélia Godin and Maximilien Bencze
Presentation of a new single cell analysis system (working title) :
2pm – Faculty of Health Modular – M004
Genomics Platform Seminar
Contact: Stéphane KERBRAT
(Title coming soon) :
Mégane NASCIMENTO (Team V21-Vaccines Immunopathology, Immunomodulation, INRAE, Jouy-en-Josas)
Invited by Sarah Ducellier (Lanone team)
1pm – Faculty of Health module
IMRB seminar (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Sarah Ducellier
Physiopathological Mechanisms Involved in Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome :
Invited by Alexandre Boissonnas
1pm – Faculty of Health Modular, Room M003
IMRB seminar (external invitation)
Contact: Valérie Urbach – Sarah Ducellier