The IMRB PhD and Postdoctoral Committee (Comité des Doctorants et des Post Doctorants : Codopodo) is an association that was created in 2008. It is an interlocutor between the PhD students and the postdoctoral fellows, the IMRB and the doctoral school. It promotes relationships and exchanges between PhD students and postdoctoral fellows from all the research teams of the institute. It allows to help each other, support each other, share, exchange, advise.
- By General meetings
- By Scientific activities
- By Social activities.

CoDoPoDo Prize – Créteil Life and Health Sciences Day – Edition 2023 – Maison du Handball de Créteil

At the 2023 edition of the Doctoral School’s latest Science Day, held at the Maison du Handball in Créteil, the CoDoPoDo awarded several prizes. The Best Oral Communication prize was awarded to Sarah CHEBOUTI from the Relaix team, and the Best Poster prize went to three candidates: Bryan JIMENEZ ARAYA from the Pawlotsky team, Tanina BELIL from the Lanone team, and Andreea COJOCARU from the Relaix team.

In order to encourage young researchers to attend conferences, Codopodo, with the support of the IMRB, has set up since 2017, scholarships to help with registration fees, accommodation and transport.


The Codopodo is responsible for the organization of the Journal Club: one Friday lunchtime per month, a doctoral or post-doctoral student makes a short presentation, open to all for a friendly scientific exchange.
This year again the club newspaper of the centre will return once a month. It consists in presenting in less than 15-20 minutes a major article in its field of expertise.
In addition to presenting articles, the interest of this meeting is to facilitate meetings with researchers working on different themes. We probably all have screening meetings in our respective teams, however the strength of this journal club was to exchange different points of view and techniques which for the moment are not necessarily present in our teams.
Moreover, it is not always easy for newcomers (researchers or students) to identify the different teams at the centre and I hope that this meeting could be one of the remedies.
It is in this context that I am sending you this email in order to know the people interested to present (cf dates without speakers) but also to transmit this information to your teams.
NB An agreement with the doctoral school is under discussion to validate these sessions in training hours.

Created in 2005 by the SVS Doctoral School and the IFR10-IM3, and since 2009 by the IMRB, the Créteil Life Sciences and Health Day brings together every year, under a theme chosen, a large number of our researchers, university hospitals, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows, for a conference or a series of scientific interventions at a sustained pace from invited external researchers or from our Institute.
It is also the opportunity to attend the presentations of our doctoral students either during the Best Oral Communication Award or in the form of the Best Poster, category which is also rewarded.
Winners of the Best Oral Communication Award
- 2009: Mathieu Desmard, team Boczkowski; Inès Barthelemy, ENVA; Vincent Audard, team Sahali
- 2010: Hanneke van Zoggel CRRET and Aude Nicolas, team Leboyer
- 2011: Adrien Acquistapace, team Adnot
- 2012: Stéphanie Paradis, team Berdeaux
- 2013: Jean-Maria Gagliolo, team Boczkowski
- 2014: Yuli Watanabe, team Boczkowski
- 2015: Muy Cheng-Peich, team Bachoud
- 2017: Melissande Cossutta, CRRET
- 2018: Cindy Orvain, team Lelièvre
- 2019 : Elisa Courtois, team Leboyer
- 2022 (février) : Zhuyi Lu, team Lanone
- 2022 (octobre) : Eloïse de Beaufort, team Louis
- 2023 : Audrey Onfroy, team Ortonne, et Adele Hammoudi, team Lévy
CoDoPoDo Best Oral Communication Winners
- 2023 : Sarah Chebouti, team Relaix
Best Poster Winners
- 2009: Fanette Lasoudris, team Gaulard, and Omar Bouhidel, team Adnot
- 2010: Grégory Franck, EAC 7054, and Abdel Aissat, team Goossens
- 2011: Amal Houssaini, team Adnot and Christophe Rodriguez, team Pawlotsky
- 2012: Adrien Guillot, team Lotersztajn, and Djamal Ghoumid, team Goossens
- 2013: Claire Hotz, team Lelièvre, and José Oliveira, team Leboyer
- 2014: Julie Léotot, EA3952, and Mohamed Rabah-Imache, team Pawlotsky
- 2015: Charly Blanc, team De la Taille, and Aude Aubatin, team Gaulard
- 2017: Marielle Bréau, team Adnot, and Léo Machado, team Relaix
- 2018 : Auriane Maiza, CRRET, and Zaineb Mezdari, team Adnot
- 2019 : Emma Bergsten, EC2M3, and Fabio Raineri, CRRET
- 2022 (february) : Perla Geara, team Relaix, et Nicolas Rebergue, CRRET Laboratory
- 2022 (october) : Clément Buissot, team Lanone; Sarah Chebouti, team Relaix; Alissa Tarraf, team Derumeaux; Maria Ethel, team Relaix
- 2023 : Margaux Van Wynsberghe, team Derumeaux; Virginia Zoglio, team Relaix; Jeanne Lopes, UR TRePCa, et Maria Ethel, team Relaix
Winners of the Best CoDoPoDo Poster Award
- 2022 (february) : Audrey Onfroy, team Ortonne
- 2022 (october) : Mehdi Khelfa, team Pirenne
- 2023 : Bryan Steven Jimenez Araya, team Pawlotsky; Tanina Belil, team Lanone; Andreea Cojocaru, team Relaix
- Linkedin group of CoDoPoDo : News and announcements of the group.
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