Inserm Chair is open in IMRB program « Role of liver senescence in age-related diseases – LIVE AGE »

We are pleased to announce that an Inserm Chair is open in IMRB (Institut Mondor de Recherche Biologique, in Créteil, France.
Currently, our programme focuses on the « Role of liver senescence in age-related diseases (LIVE-AGE) » and is announced under the following title:


Université Paris Est Créteil – IMRB-U955: Sarcophenia: role of phenylalanine in age-related diseases


This researcher/professor position is offered on a public contract (3 to 6 years), with the prospect of a permanent position as Research Director at Inserm at the end of the contract.
The recruited researcher is expected to develop an original project built on his/her expertise in cardiometabolism / ageing.


Please contact Prof Geneviève Derumeaux ( if you are interested by this position.


From:March 14th 2023. Deadline for application and submission: 14 April 2023 (13h)


Some information is attached and the scientific dossier can be found at the following address:


Call for applicationsProject form
